Support your local Muswellbrook Parish & Churches
We greatly value the financial support we receive from our parish community. This allows us to maintain and administer our churches and facilities and helps us to run our programs.
To support our parish visit the Catholic Diocese of Newcastle & Maitland. Fill out the Parish Payment form, making sure to select “Muswellbrook Parish” to make a contribution to our parish.

The first collection
Provides for the priests of the Region: their monthly stipend, household food, cooking and cleaning expenses. Funds surplus to the local priests is forwarded to a central fund which provides for the health care of priests and for the care and upkeep of retired priests and the Bishop. Surplus funds do not stay in your parish.
The second collection
The second collection provides the income for all the running expenses of your parish – staff employment, insurance, maintenance for all our buildings, maintaining and operating the Regional Office, liturgical supplies, motor vehicle expenses for our clergy, any normal running expenses or regular repairs relating to the East Maitland Presbytery (as this is the home of our Regional Clergy), waste collection, and most importantly – parish and regional ministries and services e.g. the Funeral Ministry, Sacramental Programme, surplus funds stay in your parish